Anger Management. Consult a psychologist in Mumbai/Bangalore/Kolkata.

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What is anger? All humans and animals have this emotion in us. It is a normal, healthy emotion and by itself, it is not good or bad. Like any other emotion, it is a way of communicating a situation to someone that is disturbing or threatening. It is obvious to feel angry if someone has done wrong to you, mishandled, etc. Anger becomes the first emotion we express if in any way it is causing harm to yourself and others then one needs to consider changing that behaviour pattern.

One's intention of showing anger can be positive like for a parent to get angry at children or for a mentor to discipline his students. But if that creates a negative impact around you, affects your judgment, and also becomes a hindrance in your way of success, then you need to work on it.

Managing anger is important in one's life because it harms our lives in many ways.

Physical health – constant anger outbursts can make one prone to heart disease, BP issues, insomnia, to name a few
Mental health – It takes a lot of energy in displaying anger or feeling it inside. It clouds judgment and our thinking capability. This leads to stress, depression, anxiety.
Career – In one's career, constructive criticism, creative differences, and heated debates can be healthy. But lashing out only alienates your colleagues, supervisors, or clients and can cause a break in your career ladder.
Relationships - are a very important part of our survival. Anger can bring long-lasting scars in people's minds whether it be friendship, romantic partners, or colleagues.
Still, you may say that it's usually out of your hands, or there's little you can do to control it, or that you have got a hot temper. But the reality is, that you have more control over your anger than you think.

How anger management can help you?

Numerous people understand that it is about learning to suppress your anger. But not getting angry at all is not an attainable thing. No matter how much you try to suppress it, the emotion of anger cannot be taken away. To understand the communication behind the emotion and express it healthily without losing control is the correct management of any emotion. Regulating your emotions, in this case anger, will help you meet your requirements, be better suitable to manage conflict in your life, and strengthen your connections.

Becoming an expert in controlling one’s anger requires practice. Practising to control your emotions of anger and express it in an acceptable way will help you strengthen your relationships, achieve your goals, and lead a satisfying life

Tip 1: Introspecting what's really behind your anger

Have you ever gotten into an argument over silly things? Big fights frequently are over small things, sort of a dish overlooked. However, ask yourself, " What am I angry about?" Relating the important source of frustration will help you communicate your emotions.
Anger can also mask anxiety. When you perceive trouble, either real or imagined, your body activates the " fight or flight" response. In the case of the " fight" response, it can frequently be as wrathfulness or aggression.
Wrathfulness problems can stem from what you've observed and learned as a toddler. It is frequently a symbol of another underpinning ill health, like depression, trauma, or habitual stress.

Tip 2: remember your warning signs. Pay attention to the way anger feels in your body

  • Knots in your stomach
  • Clinging your hands or jaw
  • Feeling glacial or flushed
  • Breathing briskly
  • Headaches
  • Pacing or demanding to walk around
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Pounding heart

Tip 3: Identify your triggers
Stressful events don't excuse wrathfulness, but understanding how these events affect you can help you take control of your terrain and avoid emotional outbursts. Look at your routine and try to identify conditioning, times of day, people, places, or situations that spark perverse or angry feelings.

Common negative thinking patterns that spark anger can be

  • Overgeneralizing. For example, " You ALWAYS intrude me. You no way consider my requirements. EVERYONE disrespects me.
  • Obsessing over " shoulds" and " requirements." Having a rigid view of the way a situation should or must go and getting angry when reality doesn't line up with this vision.
  • Condemning. When anything bad happens or a thing goes wrong, it's always someone else’s fault. You tell yourself, " life's not fair," or condemn others for your problems rather than taking responsibility for your own life.

When you identify the notice patterns that fuel your aggressive behaviour, you can learn to reframe how you suppose about effects. Ask yourself What's the substantiation that the study is true? That it's not true? What would I say to a friend who was allowing these effects?

Tip 4: Learn ways to cool down

  • Now that you know how to acknowledge the warning signs that your temper is rising and anticipate your triggers, you can act snappily to deal with your anger before it spins out of control.
  • Focus on the physical sensations of wrathfulness.
  • Take some deep breaths.
  • Get moving.
  • Use your senses.
  • Stretch or massage areas of pressure.
  • Slowly count to ten

Tip 5: Find healthier ways to express
Still, the key is to express your passions healthily. If you've decided that the situation is worth getting angry about and there's not a thing you can do to make it better - learning how to resolve conflict positively will help you strengthen your connections rather than damage them. Always fight fair, make the relationship your precedence, focus on the present, be open to the concept of forgiveness.

Tip 6: Experiencing calmness by taking care of yourself
Taking care of your overall internal and physical well-being can help ease pressure and verbose wrathfulness problems.

  • Manage stress.
  • Talk to someone you trust.
  • Get enough sleep
  • Exercise regularly.

Tip 7: Use humour to relieve pressure
There’s no harm in lightening the situation by looking at the funny side of things. Most things that we get angry about seem mild when we look back at them.

Tip 8: Consider if you need professional help
After trying all the above, if you still feel you are unable to cope with feelings of anger, seek help . There’s no harm in asking a mental health professional to help you with this.

Also read,
Unlearning what you know about negative emotions.

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Harshada Narvekar
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