Is the difficulty in communicating messing with your mental health? Find the best psychiatrist and psychologist in Mumbai.

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Communication is a primary channel through which we convey our messages to other people around us. The way we communicate defines our mental health and wellbeing. It’s important to understand how unhealthy patterns of communication impact our mental health. For psychiatric consultation in Mumbai, find the psychiatrist in Mumbai.

  1. Jumping to conclusions: many of us have habit of jumping to conclusions and not really evaluating the reality. That narrows down the space where one can have healthy communication with persons and gives a scope for misunderstandings or difficult conversations. What is important in such scenario is to evaluate each possibility and facts, having rational thought process that thinking about in extremes.
  2. Not paying attention while listening: during conversation not actively paying attention to the other person but being involved in own work. Active listening is the core of any healthy communication. What we all often forget is no conversation is waste of time but it feels like so because we fail to pay attention to requirements of the person speaking. Keep the work aside for few minutes, listen carefully with open mind, reflect on what other person means to say, reflect on how that makes you feel and then respond. Passive listening ruins the conversation and the problem then shifts to “you not listening” from the actual problem.
  3. Letting your emotions control you: Well this is the biggest monster. Many times we react to the situation by letting our emotions take over the control. Sometimes something makes us feel angry and rather than trying to resolve the situation we start to throw tantrums/ get aggressive in our talk or behaviour. We need to understand that anger is not going to resolve the problem but a rational, stable mind can! What is more important in such situations is to navigate your emotions, being mindful of what you mean and conveying how you feel about it by expressing them verbally to the person opposite.
  4. Interrupting the opposite person: we many times think that we know what the other person is going to say and we cut the other person’s talk refuses them the opportunity to complete their talk. Listen to them completely. That will help you understand what they are thinking, how are they feeling and that helps to build healthy communication.
  5. Blaming the other person: name-calling, blaming the other person by saying, “you did this”, “you are ‘this’” creates more problems in the communication. Instead, one can begin the conversation by saying “I feel “this” when “-------” happens. This helps shift the blame on the specific behaviour than on the whole person and allows persons to build solutions.
  6. Being passive:
    By and large unhealthy communication can be categorized in two prominent types. One is aggressive, the other one is passive. Whatever we read so far explained more of aggressive type of communication. What passive communication looks like is quite opposite to the previous one. Passive communication is more indirect. You try to give hints but are not clear in what you mean to say. You expecting the other person to read your mind is going to cost you the peace of mind, because in reality no one can read what the other person is thinking. Not clearly expressing your thoughts, opinions and feelings, ginning in to the other person’s demands are not really the good way of coping in the challenging situations. Avoiding conversations does never really help.

    Communication can be very challenging in any conflict-some situation. Be it workplace stress, relationship issues, parenting styles, or any part of human functioning communication plays a huge role in the overall stability of mental health. Hence what one needs to understand is adapt a healthy communication pattern. With the help of a mental health therapist or a psychiatrist in Mumbai, learn to identify and label your emotions correctly. Yes! we even as an adult do tend to mix them up often which ultimately results in unhealthy communication and costs us mental health. Learning about emotions also helps us to be empathetic about the other person and reflect on what we as well as the other person might be feeling. Adapting assertive communication pattern where you are not being aggressive but also not devaluing yourself by being passive is very important.

    We need to remember that communication is a skill. Nobody is born with these skills. Our culture, surroundings and people in our environment create a constant impact & shape our communication style. We need to be reflective and understand if my communication pattern is healthy for my own functionality or not. If the answer is negative, then you can always seek help from a good mental health therapist or a psychiatrist in Mumbai who can help you learn and adapt healthy communication patterns for you.

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Mrudula Joshi
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