Share & Care: Mental Health Awareness. Are you aware? Seek help from the best psychiatrist in Mumbai.

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We have come across a lot of conversations like “My parents will be worried, if they get to know I’m taking support from a psychologist”, “I can’t meet a Psychologist, because if someone sees me they will think I’m a crazy person” or “I didn’t know this will get worsened, it was just a disturbed sleep”.

All these ideas arise from the lack of awareness and stigma. Even though there is an increase in the understanding of mental health importance, counseling and treatment methods, we somewhere lack the attitude in handling them with patience and empathy. And there are other major concerns like getting access to an expert/professional and expenses of getting treated.

A majority of research studies on mental health in India have identified that addressing public awareness and perceptions is the key to tackling the mental health crisis in India. On this basis, Promotion, Protection, and Restoration of Mental Health are an important concern not only in India, throughout the world.

Our mental health is determined by many factors, like personal, social, biological, genetic, and environmental factors which make an individual vulnerable to mental health problems or difficulties. When we think about mental health, immediate concerns would be depression, suicide, stress, behavioral or academic problems in children, memory problems but these are not the only difficulties. So many people out there find it difficult to cope up with their everyday living, just because of their maladaptive coping strategies, family or couple related issues, disturbed sleep patterns, difficulty in controlling anger, self esteem, eating habits, ashamed of abuses, urges to control sexual desires and so on.

To improve perceptions towards individuals with mental health difficulty, there’s a need to demystify mental illnesses, build an understanding about signs & symptoms of mental health difficulties, cause of mental health difficulties, its impact on an individual’s life, mental health services, and rehabilitating them back to their regular routine. This will further improve people’s attitudes towards mental health illness and mental health services.

Is the difficulty in communicating messing with your mental health? Find the best psychiatrist and psychologist in Mumbai.-

The gaps in accessing treatment for mental illnesses are significant, which subsequently lead to increase in burden and disability. This could be reduced with awareness, followed by early recognition and access to treatment leading to the adoption of preventive measures.

These are few supportive things you could do:

  • Reduce the stigma: Stigma is a negative attitude or belief which motivates the public to fear, reject, avoid and discriminate against people with a mental health difficulty. There are many reasons to stigmatize and consequences of stigmatization. So to fight against stigma, we need to learn, understand and talk more openly about mental illness and provide support for the individual as well as the organizations which fight against mental illness. Showing respect and acceptance towards individuals who are coping with a mental health difficulty removes a significant barrier for them to be successful in their lives.
  • Prevention or Early Identification: We can identify signs and symptoms through observing behavioural changes, disturbed sleeping or eating patterns, inappropriate speech or behaviour, addictions etc. Identification and help or encouragement given to take mental health professional support should be done earlier. Mental health helplines can also support you to find more information on the difficulty you are facing. Consulting mental health helplines or mental health services in Mumbai or mental health therapist in Mumbai will help here.
  • Management and Rehabilitation: Consultation can be given through mental health helpline, suicidal helpline and any mental health service providing organization by speaking to Psychiatrist/Psychologist or a mental health therapist in Mumbai. Managements differ from individual therapy to family therapy depending on the need of the client. Sometimes group therapy will also be helpful. If at all an individual is on therapy for his/her mental health challenges, the family members and friends should know how to support them & when there is a need for rehabilitation (restoring individual’s normal life through training or therapy), help them to achieve it.
  • Promoting mental health: Promote through early interventions, supporting life skill programs, social support for elderly population, programs targeting vulnerable people or community, mental health promotional activities in schools & at work and providing opportunity for the individuals with mental health challenges.
  • Promoting & Owning Resilience: Life poses various short and long term challenges, handling, coping and managing the challenges effectively is essential for mental health. Various life skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and stress tolerance can help us in this. Regulations of emotions in constructive manner and dealing with emotional upheavals so that they do not affect us negatively are important for our emotional well-being which in turn increases our resilience.

A mental health difficulty affects the entire society and not just a family or an individual. No population is immune to mental health difficulties, but the risk is greater among lower economic families, people with low education, families with disputes, survivors of physical, emotional, or sexual abuses, migrants and refugees, children and adolescents, and the neglected elderly.

Thus, it is crucial for us, as a society to work towards mental health promotion and prevention of mental health difficulties. It does not only help in preventing mental illnesses but also proactively ensures the overall growth of an individual and society. Since mental health is included in various aspects of our life, mental health promotion needs to be in all spheres of our life. Mental health lies in a continuum; from mental illness to mental wellness, its okay to move to and fro.

Also read, How does self-insight help in improving mental health? Find the best psychiatrist near you.

Common questions people ask about depression and mental health disorders and finding a good psychiatrist in Mumbai.

Is the difficulty in communicating messing with your mental health? Find the best psychiatrist and psychologist in Mumbai.

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Hema Veerasamy
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