What is Remedial Therapy? Common questions people ask about Remedial Therapy.

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Overview of Remedial Therapy

Remedial Therapy is a therapy that educates students in a way that addresses their specific needs. The purpose of this therapy is to build upon and enhance a student’s strengths but also identify their weaknesses such as reading, writing, and computing, and provide support for that specific weaknesses to help them succeed in those areas. Also, it emphasizes on child’s understanding level rather than what is taught in a mainstream school. Furthermore, it benefits the child to adapt and assist them in a regular school with a formal Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).

An IEP is given to students which are classified as having disabilities. It is a legal document to be enforced. The first component of IEP is a statement of service which details the types of services the child will receive. The rationale aligns with a statement of services. IEP must have both short and long-term goals which are measurable and specific. Furthermore, it includes present level of educational performance which describes how a student is currently doing. IEP must have projected dates for initiation and duration of services. Moreover, IEP comprises accommodations and modifications that must be put in place for testing. Also, students need to have a plan for transition and post-secondary life beginning at the age of 16 until they graduate from high school.

With structural strategies, Remedial Education helps in:

  • Developing Academic and Functional skills.
  • Understanding Abstract Concepts.
  • Providing a safe environment to learn through creative ways.
  • Building self-confidence.
  • Assisting children with special needs to adapt to a mainstream and integrated set-up through modifications and accommodation tactics.
  • Developing the ability of generative skills, interpersonal relationships, communication, problem-solving, independent thinking, and self-learning.
  • Providing guidance to parents, so that similar practice is carried out at home.
  • Focusing on gaining independence in all the tasks.

The process of remedial teaching begins with a diagnosis of specific difficulties or analysis of students based on that therapist provides suitable remedial measures. Further, remedial therapists also provide support to prevent reoccurring difficulties in the future. It should be noted that along with helping students to overcome their academic difficulties remedial teaching in an inclusive setup also takes into consideration their social skills. Thus along with cognitive development emphasis is also given towards the affective and social development of these students providing teaching in an inclusive setup is used in Individualized Educational Program (IEP).

Common questions asked by people about Remedial Therapy

  • What types of teaching strategies would remedial therapists use for “students with disabilities?

Remedial Therapists use non-linguistic representations, graphic organizers, note-taking, multi-sensory teaching and etc. Therapist adapts the instructional environment for both individual students and class. Further, they incorporate to functional curriculum to help students transition.

  • How will a Remedial Educator go about building relationships with parents of special needs students?

Firstly, therapist will seek out knowledge from the parents on their children. Secondly, they will speak to parents about the targeted goals and strategies used. Lastly, parents should be giving updates about their child’s performance and further action plan must be discussed. This creates a safe environment for parents to share and converse any doubts.

  • What is difference between Remedial Therapist and General Education Teacher?

Remedial therapist works on building skills such as reading, writing, functional maths, life skills and etc. They develop IEP which describes specific goals that needs to be achieved within a time frame. While, general ed. caters to a planned curriculum that needs to be completed with a stringent period. Secondly, remedial therapist has to collaborate with other involved professionals and carry out weekly/monthly conference. Whereas general educator, conducts meeting post 3/4 months.

  • How can remedial Educators facilitate the collaboration of general education teachers?

It is relevant that a common planning time is scheduled to share teaching practices. Next, remedial therapist must establish roles and responsibilities. This gives clarity about what each of them is supposed to do without interfering. Lastly, a multi-disciplinary approach must be followed where remedial therapist and general ed. shares challenging areas and work as a team.

  • What strategies will a Remedial Therapist use for a child with Learning difficulties?

The therapist will use concrete instructions with use of auditory, visuals and kinesthetic learning styles. Moreover, special educators need to use problem solving strategies. This encourages child with LD to think out of box. Furthermore, creating a real world situation that helps child with LD to make mistakes under a safe environment and learn faster. Also, therapist must use multi-sensory approach wherein use of sand, water, paints and salt is utilized for learning academic concepts.

  • Can a Remedial Therapist work in an inclusive set up?

Yes, a remedial educator can work in a main stream school, integrated and special needs school. RE main aim is to help and develop skills in special needs children so that they are included and are equal members of society without creating any segregation.

The Remedial Educators provides support to students with additional requisites to facilitate their learning inside and outside the classroom. They ensure a smooth implementation of IEP is carried out. Remedial Therapists involves and collaborates with parents and other professionals to foster the teaching and learning of students.

Also read,

What are the Types of Remedial Therapy? Find the best Remedial Therapist in Mumbai.

Effects of Remedial therapy on visual perception. Remedial therapy in Mumbai.

Five signs that a child needs a remedial therapist. Find the best places in Mumbai to avail the best remedial therapy.

How effective Remedial Therapy? Where to avail Remedial Therapy in Mumbai?

image credits: Freepik

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Zainab Dhariwala
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