Mental health conditions experienced by senior citizens or elderly. Find a therapist for senior citizens in Kolkata.

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Topic: Mental Health Conditions experienced by senior citizens

Mental Health refers to state of an individual’s psychological, behavioural and emotional well-being. The state of excellent psychological state not only refers to the absence of any mental illnesses but also the individual’s capability to understand his potential, deal with the stresses of life, ability to find out, to feel and manage a variety of emotions and therefore the ability to make and manage the connection with others. In our country, psychological state may be a concept rarely attended upon and geriatric psychological state is even more neglected.

Elderly psychological state emphasizes upon prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders within the elderly and improvement of psychological state.
There are several risk factors, which makes elderly people susceptible to mental disease.

Risk Factors related to Elderly Mental Health

The most common risk factors senior citizens experience is:

  1. Reduced functional ability

    With the method of aging, people start experiencing compromised mobility, chronic pain, weakness or other health problems, which could restrict them during work

  2. Retirement from vocational arena

    Retirement is one among the stressful factor related to elderly life. In India, most of the office policies keep 60 years and above, as retirement age.

  3. Experience of Bereavement

    Older people are more likely to experience events like bereavement, or a drop by socioeconomic status with retirement. All of those stressors may result in isolation, loneliness or psychological distress in older people leading to poor mental health.

  4. Abuse

    Older adults are susceptible to abuse, neglect which may have serious psychological state repercussions.

  5. Social Isolation

    Social Isolation and feeling of loneliness is one among the chief contributor to psychological state risks in elderly population. Diminished ability and death of close friends, family results in isolation and loneliness.

  6. Changes associated with living arrangements

    Significant change in living arrangements e.g. moving from living independently to a care setting can ignite psychological state difficulties

Disorders Commonly Seen in Elderly Population

A. Functional Disorder

1. Depression : Depression within the elderly, commonly mentioned as geriatric depression, may mirror the symptoms of a general depression diagnosis for any age bracket. A number of the common signs of depression are persistent sad or anxious mood, feelings of worthlessness, helplessness or hopelessness, decreased energy, constant fatigue, irritability and loss of interest in pleasurable activities. Depression generally cause constant episode of the above symptoms that significantly interfere with daily functioning. Geriatric depression is under diagnosed as people assume feeling blue is natural a part of aging and ignore them.

2. Anxiety : The key defining feature of a mental disorder may be a constant, excessive worry about everyday events and issues which shouldn't cause such severe uneasiness. Although it's normal for the elderly to stress about health problems and financial affairs, a continuing state of worry is cause for concern. Somatic concerns are very commonly experienced in elderly population.

3. Adjustment Disorder : Elderly adults are at a very high risk for developing an adjustment disorder because they often experience several of those life changes directly. Deviations in socio-economic status, changes in family structure, retirement, ill health, any of these symptoms can trigger adjustment difficulty and poor coping with it.

B. Organic Disorders

1. Dementia: Dementia may be a syndrome, usually of a chronic or progressive nature, during which there's deterioration in memory, thinking, behaviour and therefore the ability to perform everyday activities. It mainly affects older people, although it's not a traditional a part of ageing. There are significant social and economic issues in terms of the direct costs of medical, social and informal care related to dementia. Moreover, physical, emotional and economic pressures can cause great stress to families and carers. Support is required from the health, social, support.

2. Huntington’s disease: A genetic disease signalled by mental dysfunction, altered personality, psychosis, and movement disturbance. The symptoms are: Jerky movements, muscle stiffness, slow abnormal eye movement etc.

Elderly mental health problems shouldn't be taken casually and professionals should be consulted at the early stage. It's equally important to focus on long-term care of older adults affected by mental disorders, also on provide caregivers with education, training and support.

For geriatric psychiatry services in Kolkata, please contact- Mpower

Seek help from one of the best mental health therapists in Kolkata.

Also read,

What is geriatric psychiatry? How is it performed?

What are the 3 most common diagnoses in geriatric psychiatry? Find a geropsychiatric or a mental health therapist for elderly.

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Image credits - Freepik

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Debabani Bhattacharya
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