Benefits of Mental Health Counselling. Find the best mental health therapist near you.

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‘You know what, I just shouldn’t be allowed to make any more decisions.’

An emotionally drained and frustrated Rachel (Ross’s ex-lover) yells after having triggered a series of gaffes by gate crashing his wedding, leading to her eventually going on his honeymoon alone. This episode from the popular TV series Friends is hilarious on many levels. However, the question worth pondering is ‘How many times have we felt that same way in our life?’. Human lives are guided by the decisions we take by processing the information around us. These decisions are influenced by a string of mental processes such as thoughts, memories, emotions, attention, motivation, and environmental factors such as peer pressure, social status, etc. This combination of environmental factors and mental processes is highly influential in shaping the rationale behind decision-making, thereby affecting human behaviour.
Individual counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy, talk therapy, or treatment) is a process through which clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health counselor in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. They are allowed to share their worries and concern and can be sure to be provided with a space without judgment.
I recently worked on a compelling case focused on providing therapeutic intervention to a woman living with anxiety. Throughout the sessions, she showed insight into her problem and identified the triggers by keeping a mood journal. Nonetheless, when it came to deconstructing the thought pattern and moving ahead with the intervention, she showed resistance. After multiple sessions, she accepted that she did not want her situation to change owing to an embedded fear of the new environment. She was also in a dilemma and wondered if her family would approve of the status quo change. This case is one of the many that helped both my client and myself to understand the need to consider the different mental processes along with being conscious of the environmental factors in play while planning an intervention.

It is through the help of mental health counseling that individuals allow themselves to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through their challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired change. Utilising the knowledge gained from her memories and feelings along with an in-depth exploration of her environment and the dilemmas the client was facing assisted in developing coping strategies that went hand in hand with the social aspects of her life.

Going through mental health counseling is challenging as it might question our innate belief system and bring to surface the fears we have. But with the help of individual counseling, the individual will be equipped with abilities to make effective decisions, become more self-aware of the challenges they face while implementing the decisions and also develop better responses to those challenges.

One has to also acknowledge that taking up mental health counseling is not a one-way process. Both the psychologist as well as the client have to actively explore the situation, evaluate the resources and draw up the plan of intervention. The sessions are planned in accordance with the goal that the individual or the group wants to achieve.

The client plays the most important role in the process of intervention and has to be mindfully aware of the challenges experienced and the way they have managed those. Keeping those in mind the therapy sessions are then planned and the way forward examined. Social support plays a vital role and has both positive and negative consequences on the process of counseling. However, with the strengthening of coping strategies and productive responses and communication patterns, the challenges and difficulties can be easily solved.

Availing mental health counseling in India might seem like a herculean task. However, with greater awareness spreading in the field of mental health, it has become increasingly simple to avail these services. The pandemic has also encouraged us to open up and seek help for our emotional needs and the youth of the country are now actively seeking help to ease their distress. Helplines and awareness workshops are now set up to address the concerns. Additionally, many mental health therapists now offer virtual sessions as well. Not just individual counseling, but group as well as family therapy sessions are also planned in order to evaluate the resources available and modify behavior as well as thoughts.

So the next time you think to yourself, “I just shouldn’t be allowed to make any more decisions!”, seek out a mental health therapist and ask for help!

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For best mental health counselling services in Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata, get in touch at below contact details.


1/155, 15, Nyaymurti Sitaram
Patkar Marg, Khareghat Colony,
Hughes Road, Mumbai - 400007

+91 22 23828133
+91 22 23856228
+91 9702800044


2nd Floor, 2983, 12th Main,
Indira Nagar, HAL, 2nd stage,
Bengaluru - 560 008.

+91 80 25209712


Unit N210A-211, 2nd Floor,
North Block, Ideal Plaza,
11/1, Sarat Bose Road
Kolkata 700020

+91 90735 55522

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Rashmi Bhuyan
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