Be Extra Strong When Your Child Is from LGBTQIA+ Community

Be Extra Strong for your LGBTQIA+ child.

During puberty, the development of gender traits and stronger romantic desires aids in a person's 'Gender Identity' becomes obvious. In their early years, as more and more young people are coming out , they begin identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and more lately, transgender. All of this contributes to greater understanding and exposure of the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community in our society, as well as in educational institutions, religious organizations, community groups, and the media.

This has increasingly made it possible for young LGBTQIA+ persons to come out much earlier than prior generations of LGBTQIA+ adults. Learning about sexual orientation, gender identity, and LGBTQIA+ resources has altered substantially for children and adolescents as a result of the internet's expanded accessibility.

Understanding, recognizing, and sharing one's sexual orientation with others is a lifelong experience. It could be simple for some people and challenging for others. It's crucial for parents of teenagers to understand, keep in mind, and accept the fact that every child is different and has their own sentiments and life experiences. ‘Coming out’ can occur at any time because the experience of difference can start in childhood and a child may feel different even before entering kindergarten. Children frequently experience anxiety and fear at this age, and they may find it challenging to interact or involve themselves with their peers and friends. It may be much easier for children who get loved and accepted as they are.

Role of Family and Parents:

Be Free from Prejudice -

Families and parents play a crucial role in creating environments where children can explore their options free from prejudice and prejudices. Parents can encourage various friendships and social activities rather than placing gender-specific expectations on their children. These youngsters can experience unconditional love from their families by being exposed to individuals and activities that go beyond stereotypical gender roles. They can converse with them and inquire frequently about their hobbies, social circle, love interests, and any bullying or taunting that may be going on. Speaking about this with family and friends can be quite courageous, especially when one is unsure of how others would respond. They might be terrified of upsetting or disappointing their relatives, or in certain cases, they might be afraid of being physically hurt

Support and Love your Child -

Once more, parents typically require time to process the news. Parents must love and support their children even if they don't fully grasp their sexuality or gender identity, even though it may take them days, weeks, or even many months to do so. Parents and families can respond in an affirming way by understanding that gender identity is able to be changed and it is often revealed over time as the person discovers more about themselves. The child will need the parent’s love and support to develop into to healthy teen and adult . Even if there are disagreements parents need to provide some validation to the child. Parents need to be strong and stand up for their children when they are mistreated, and make it clear that slurs or jokes based on gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation are not tolerated. Express the disapproval of these types of jokes or slurs when encountering them in the community or media.

Introduce Your Child to the Community -

In order for their child to understand that they are not alone, parents can assist them by introducing them to LGBTQIA+ organizations, services, and events. Support your child's self-expression as well. Talk to them about their preferences in

  • accessories,
  • clothing,
  • hairstyles,
  • friends,
  • hobbies,
  • interests,
  • leisure activities,
  • room décor, etc.
Embrace all sorts of variety. Give people access to a range of books, films, and other media, especially those that accurately portray people of different genders.

Mention LGBTQIA+ role models and celebrities who speak out for the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as those in general who show courage in the face of social stigma. Because some LGBTQIA+ people are sometimes discouraged from being open about their sexual orientation and gender identity, they can give the child accurate information and assist them with social media.

Some LGBTQIA+ people rely on social media and mobile applications to meet others. Many social media sites and mobile apps provide LGBTQIA+ 'content':

During puberty, the development of gender traits and stronger romantic desires aids in a person's 'Gender Identity' becomes obvious. In their early years, as more and more young people are coming out , they begin identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and more lately, transgender. All of this contributes to greater understanding and exposure of the LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) community in our society, as well as in educational institutions, religious organizations, community groups, and the media.

This has increasingly made it possible for young LGBTQIA+ persons to come out much earlier than prior generations of LGBTQIA+ adults. Learning about sexual orientation, gender identity, and LGBTQIA+ resources has altered substantially for children and adolescents as a result of the internet's expanded accessibility.

Understanding, recognizing, and sharing one's sexual orientation with others is a lifelong experience. It could be simple for some people and challenging for others. It's crucial for parents of teenagers to understand, keep in mind, and accept the fact that every child is different and has their own sentiments and life experiences. ‘Coming out’ can occur at any time because the experience of difference can start in childhood and a child may feel different even before entering kindergarten. Children frequently experience anxiety and fear at this age, and they may find it challenging to interact or involve themselves with their peers and friends. It may be much easier for children who get loved and accepted as they are.

Role of Family and Parents:

Be Free from Prejudice -

Families and parents play a crucial role in creating environments where children can explore their options free from prejudice and prejudices. Parents can encourage various friendships and social activities rather than placing gender-specific expectations on their children. These youngsters can experience unconditional love from their families by being exposed to individuals and activities that go beyond stereotypical gender roles. They can converse with them and inquire frequently about their hobbies, social circle, love interests, and any bullying or taunting that may be going on. Speaking about this with family and friends can be quite courageous, especially when one is unsure of how others would respond. They might be terrified of upsetting or disappointing their relatives, or in certain cases, they might be afraid of being physically hurt

Support and Love your Child -

Once more, parents typically require time to process the news. Parents must love and support their children even if they don't fully grasp their sexuality or gender identity, even though it may take them days, weeks, or even many months to do so. Parents and families can respond in an affirming way by understanding that gender identity is able to be changed and it is often revealed over time as the person discovers more about themselves. The child will need the parent’s love and support to develop into to healthy teen and adult . Even if there are disagreements parents need to provide some validation to the child. Parents need to be strong and stand up for their children when they are mistreated, and make it clear that slurs or jokes based on gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation are not tolerated. Express the disapproval of these types of jokes or slurs when encountering them in the community or media.

Introduce Your Child to the Community -

In order for their child to understand that they are not alone, parents can assist them by introducing them to LGBTQIA+LGBTQIA+ organizations, services, and events. Support your child's self-expression as well. Talk to them about their preferences in

  • accessories,
  • clothing,
  • hairstyles,
  • friends,
  • hobbies,
  • interests,
  • leisure activities,
  • room décor, etc.
Embrace all sorts of variety. Give people access to a range of books, films, and other media, especially those that accurately portray people of different genders.

Mention LGBTQIA+ role models and celebrities who speak out for the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as those in general who show courage in the face of social stigma. Because some LGBTQIA+ people are sometimes discouraged from being open about their sexual orientation and gender identity, they can give the child accurate information and assist them with social media.

Some LGBTQIA+ people rely on social media and mobile applications to meet others. Many social media sites and mobile apps provide LGBTQIA+ children with a welcoming environment to interact with friends and allies, but some of them particularly dating apps—contain material that is unsuitable for teenagers. Parents may keep an eye on what their children do on their gadgets and have conversations with them about social media and phone use.

Be Careful about The Emotions -

Parents should be aware of any emotional issues, such as anxiety, insecurity, despair, low self-esteem, and any other signals that a kid may require mental health support. They always have the option to seek a psychologist's advice regarding the mental and emotional health of their child. Even parents themselves occasionally need a few sessions to build up the strength and stamina to support their children and maintain their composure in the face of social pressure.

Therapy aids in the processing of emotions and the pursuit of empowerment as people learn about their place in society. Getting help from a psychologist can assist in ruling out mental health issues and stopping suicidal behavior. Both, family therapy and individual therapy shall be of huge help in assisting people to embrace who they are and to be proud as they are!

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, children with a welcoming environment to interact with friends and allies, but some of them particularly dating apps—contain material that is unsuitable for teenagers. Parents may keep an eye on what their children do on their gadgets and have conversations with them about social media and phone use.

Be Careful about The Emotions -

Parents should be aware of any emotional issues, such as anxiety, insecurity, despair, low self-esteem, and any other signals that a kid may require mental health support. They always have the option to seek a psychologist's advice regarding the mental and emotional health of their child. Even parents themselves occasionally need a few sessions to build up the strength and stamina to support their children and maintain their composure in the face of social pressure.

Therapy aids in the processing of emotions and the pursuit of empowerment as people learn about their place in society. Getting help from a psychologist can assist in ruling out mental health issues and stopping suicidal behavior. Both, family therapy and individual therapy shall be of huge help in assisting people to embrace who they are and to be proud as they are!

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image credit : freepik

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Khushboo Hiten Nandu.
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