High-Functioning Depression - Signs, Causes and Coping Mechanism

High-Functioning Depression Sign

Describing depression to someone who hasn't experienced it can be challenging. It's a condition that's truly understood only by those who have gone through it firsthand. Depression is often thought of as a storm cloud of sadness, yet there exists a quieter, lesser-understood variation known as high-functioning depression. Unlike its overt counterpart, high-functioning depression is no storm, but more like a steady drizzle, subtle yet persistent. It lurks beneath the surface and hides itself beneath a mask of normalcy.

The concept of high functioning depression is met with skepticism by many mental health professionals. They argue that the term is ambiguous as the causes of high functioning depression and high functioning depression symptoms vary widely. For some, high-functioning depression may be seen as experiencing depressive symptoms without meeting the full diagnostic criteria, while for others it is a totally separate disorder. Additionally, since individuals maintain a relatively “normal” life, it is sometimes viewed as a milder form of depression. However, the challenges of coping with high functioning depression should not be underestimated.

High Functioning Depression Symptoms

Have you ever noticed someone slowly slipping away from social gatherings or not getting excited about things they used to love?

These could be high functioning depression symptoms. Individuals coping with high functioning depression are very good at concealing their inner struggles and usually maintain an outward appearance of a normal and successful life; however, there are a few warning signs.

The following are some of the high functioning depression symptoms:

  1. Isolating from Friends And Family:
  2. Even though they may seem like the life of the party, people dealing with high functioning depression gradually pull away from their loved ones. They might show up to social events but keep conversations light and surface-level, avoiding any real connection or sharing how they truly feel. This isolation can leave them feeling even lonelier, even when surrounded by people.

  3. No longer Finding Joy in Loved Activities:
  4. Think about the things you used to love doing, whether it's playing an instrument, painting, or just chilling with friends. For someone with high functioning depression, those activities don't bring the same spark anymore. It's like the joy has been sucked out of them, leaving behind a sense of emptiness and apathy.

  5. Persistent Self-Criticism:
  6. Ever had those moments where you just can't stop beating yourself up over every little mistake? Well, for someone with high functioning depression, those moments are a daily struggle. They might be doing extremely well at work or have a great relationship, but in their own mind, they're constantly picking themselves apart, convinced they're not good enough.

  7. Engaging in Mindless Habits:
  8. You know those times when you just want to binge a TV show or mindlessly scroll through social media for hours? For someone with high functioning depression, those moments of distraction are a way to escape from the constant noise in their head. But instead of feeling refreshed afterwards, they just end up feeling even more disconnected from reality.

  9. Daily tasks require immense effort:
  10. Picture trying to climb a mountain every time you have to do something as simple as choosing what to wear or charging your phone. That's what it's like for someone with high functioning depression. Even though they might look like they've got it all together on the outside, every task feels like an uphill battle. Physical ailments like chronic pain, headaches, or other unexplained physical symptoms can accompany high-functioning depression.

    Recognizing these high functioning depression symptoms is the first step towards seeking support. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it's essential to reach out to a professional working in mental health care in India so you may be provided with high functioning depression counselling.

Causes of high functioning depression

  1. Genetic Predisposition:
  2. Sometimes, depression seems to have a family connection. Research suggests that individuals with a family history of mood disorders, such as depression, may have a higher likelihood of experiencing high functioning depression due to their genes. it's kind of like inheriting a certain mental health 'recipe' from your relatives.

  3. Neurochemical Imbalance:
  4. Within the intricate network of the brain, neurotransmitters play a crucial role in regulating mood and emotional well-being. Imbalances in neurotransmitter levels, such as serotonin and dopamine can lead to mood disturbances. Even if you're keeping up appearances, these imbalances can mess with your mood.

  5. Psychological Factors:
  6. Certain personality traits can influence your likeliness to experience high functioning depression. For example, individuals who exhibit traits such as perfectionism, self-criticism, or obsessive thinking may be more prone to experiencing depressive symptoms.

  7. Environmental Stressors:
  8. Life has its ups and downs, and sometimes it feels like there are more downs than ups. Whether it's work pressure, relationship strains, or just life's curveballs, these stressors can chip away at your mental health. And if you're already dealing with high functioning depression, it's like navigating a storm with extra waves crashing in.

  9. Trauma and Adversity:
  10. Past experiences can linger, shaping how we navigate the present. Whether it's a tough childhood or a traumatic event later in life, these experiences can leave a lasting impact, making us more vulnerable to high functioning depression. It's like laying the groundwork for emotional struggles to later build on.

Coping with High Functioning Depression

Coping with high-functioning depression requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses both the outward functioning and the underlying emotional distress. Here are some strategies:

  1. Seeking Support:
  2. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals for support and validation.

  3. Self-Care Practices:
  4. Prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques to manage stress and promote well-being.

  5. Therapy and Counseling:
  6. Consider therapy or counseling to explore underlying emotions, develop coping skills, and gain insight into patterns of thinking and behavior.

  7. Medication:
  8. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms of depression and restore balance to brain chemistry.

High Functioning Depression Counselling and Mental Health Care in India

In India, access to mental health care services, including counselling for high functioning depression, is increasingly recognised as essential. However, stigma and misconceptions surrounding mental illness persist. It is therefore important to remember that coping with high functioning depression is a challenging condition that requires recognition, understanding, and support. By identifying the signs and causes of high functioning depression, implementing coping strategies, and seeking appropriate mental health care, individuals can work towards healing and recovery.

image credit : freepik

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Reet Patel
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