Mental health services and its benefits at Mpower

Addressing that you might need some support in the form of professional help is hard. Mental health service is always easier said than done. It can also be very confusing to understand what treatment plan/direction fits your concern(s).
Identifying whether you need psychiatry, a particular kind of therapy or a combination is the first step - one that can be done at the Centre in the first screening appointment with a professional when the recommended options will be explained in detail for a child or an adult client.
Benefits- of getting the right Mental health service at Mpower
Depending on the specific concern, the benefits of getting the right help are diverse and powerful.
Alleviation of symptoms for a clinical concern is certainly the most obvious and impactful one. Feeling heard and understood is also a powerful benefit after connecting with the most suitable therapist for you. Having the space to be yourself, feel accepted and valued is a lesser known and spoken about benefit that has long term effects on alleviation of clinical symptoms. Often, this safe environment may be lacking in a person’s life and having it in therapy sessions can be quite cathartic and feel like a haven.
Research has also shown that medical services are used significantly frequently after accessing mental healthcare. Given the well-known mind body connection, receiving appropriate mental healthcare also reduces the risk of various chronic physical health concerns.
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At Mpower, theMental health service team is a multi-disciplinary one which means it consists of multiple professionals with different types of training and work experiences. For instance, it includes psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, music therapists and special educators. Having varied professionals on the same team provides different perspectives to client care and ensures the treatment plan is comprehensive and well-informed.
Furthermore, the treatment plan becomes collaborative in nature as a result of a multidisciplinary team. For example, an adolescent client and their family might require family therapy as well as individual sessions. Thus, the adolescent will have sessions with their therapist while the family therapy sessions will be conducted by another therapist on the same. If the parents also require their own individual sessions, two different therapists will be available for their sessions.
As a result of being on the same team at the Centre and having the multidisciplinary understanding, client care and the treatment plan will be coordinated with and integrated with all the therapists and clients involved, ensuring clarity in and ease of communication. Having a wide range of therapies available under one roof also makes the process less daunting. For instance, if a couple requires couple and individual therapy, it is possible to engage in both at the Centre with different therapists.
Additional Mental health service support at Mpower in the form of music therapy, mental health workshops and support groups provides another type of space. A safe space that provides the opportunity to express freely with empathy and connects individuals with similar concerns and interests.
Whatever the need of the hour is with respect to mental health services, the key to the therapeutic experience is the quality of the therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist as well as the client’s willingness to engage with the process wholeheartedly and honestly, over time.
Get in touch with our experts https://mpowerminds.com/seekhelp
Image source-Mpower

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