How is boredom related to depression? Consult a therapist for depression.

We all know the feeling. Boredom is common among all ages, and some boredom
is unavoidable. Boredom may be a normal response to some situations. The
boredom that continues for a long time, or occurs frequently, could also be
a symbol of depression. However, there is a difference in being just bored
and clinical depression.
Boredom is a feeling of being unsatisfied and or restless, commonly due to
lack of interesting activity, continuous repetition of an activity, or
difficulty comprehending something. For instance, a child can be bored in
school for being too smart and not finding anything new and interesting.
But a child also can be bored if he finds the studies too difficult.
Depression may be a serious condition during which someone feels intense
sadness that affects their lifestyle. A major depressive episode, involves
a depressed mood most of the time on most days, for a minimum of a two-week
period. Symptoms can include feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness,
fatigue, guilt, difficulty concentrating, diminished pleasure in activities
or life in general, significant changes in sleep, appetite and weight, and
suicidal ideations.
When people have chronic boredom or social isolation, they often tend to
struggle with drug abuse, health challenges and psychological concerns.
Boredom can be one of those early warning signs of an incoming depressive
spell. Not all boredom coincides with depression, but frequent and
persistent boredom almost always co-occurs with some kind of mental health
issue. When a person is depressed the most common complaint or symptom is a
loss of interest in activities which used to give happiness and pleasure.
It gives the feeling of emptiness and dullness. So, the person frequently
complains of getting bored.
There’s a difference between a short period of boredom and proneness to
boredom. Over time, unresolved boredom can cause depression or worsen it.
Boredom becomes a slippery slope. When you’re constantly bored, you might
endlessly scroll social media, binge-watch shows and series on the OTT
platform, mindlessly eat, or oversleep. These can lead to inactivity,
lethargy, and disconnection from the real world and cause individuals to
withdraw, even more, creating isolation, rejection, and feelings of
abandonment. No longer seeing purpose in your life may cause you to feel
worthless, helpless, and hopeless, she adds.
If boredom is interfering with your ability to complete necessary tasks or
hampering your quality of life, talk to a mental health professional. Your
boredom could also be associated with depression if you experience the
subsequent symptoms:
• feeling hopeless
• feeling sadness
• evading opportunities for stimulation
• blaming yourself for your boredom
A psychiatrist or a psychologist will be able to help you distinguish
between boredom and depression and get you the necessary treatment. Working
with a mental health professional and also asking questions may give you
clues about what you might be experiencing. You can call on Mpower 1 on 1
mental health free helpline by dialling 1800120820050 to talk to a
therapist about the same.
No matter where this boredom is coming from, boredom signals that we'd got
to consider some life changes. Every person deserves a way of fulfilment
and variety, and without it, our mood can really suffer. A therapist can
help you in how you can make some positive changes in your lifestyle to
address this.
Preventing boredom
To help prevent boredom:
• Make routine tasks more interesting. For example, start timing tasks to
ascertain how briskly you'll do them.
• Break larger tasks into smaller ones, and plan breaks or rewards at key
• Create a list of activities to try when you feel bored.
• Establish a special area where you can store activities reserved for
battling boredom.
When you feel sad, lonely or bored, here are some some tips to assist
change your mood:
• Move to a different room. Go outside to breathe fresh air.
• Put yourself in charge. Take action to do what you can to make yourself
feel better.
• Switch on some music. Listening to your favourite music will uplift your
mood to alleviate boredom.
• Enjoy the simple things. Brew up coffee or tea, or hydrate with a
refreshing glass of water.
• Meditate. Use instrumental music in the background.
• Talk. Strike up a conversation with loved ones.
• Check with a mental health professional. If negative thoughts are
prevalent in your life on a continual basis, consult with a therapist like
a psychologist, a professional counsellor, or a Psychiatrist. You may
consider approaching a
24*7 Mpower 1 on 1 mental health helpline
to discuss with a professional psychologist.
Also read,
Self-help tips to reduce anxiety and cope with depression. Consult a mental health therapist.
Signs to see in a person who may be depressed. Find the best psychiatrist for depression.
Image credits - Freepik

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