Dyslexia- Signs, Symptoms and Treatment. Find a speech therapist in Mumbai

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What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is categorized by complications with word recognition, poor spellings and interpreting skills. These challenges are related to language that often collaborate to cognitive abilities, problem solving and academic skills.

Dyslexia is the utmost common Learning Disability in children and persists throughout life. The severity of dyslexia can differ from mild to severe. The sooner the child with dyslexia receives therapy, the more favourable the outcome. However, it is never too late for an Individual with Dyslexia to learn to improve their Language Skills.

Signs/Symptoms Associated with Dyslexia

Dyslexia affects areas such as coordination, organisation and memory. A person with dyslexia will experience the condition in a way that is unique to them and as such, each will have their own set of abilities and difficulties.

Signs of dyslexia can be difficult to recognize before he/she enters school, but some early clues may show a problem. Once the child reaches school age, the class teacher may be the first to notice a problem. Also, there is variation in severity, but the difficulties are highlighted as a child starts learning to read.

Signs of Dyslexia in Early Years

Indicators are:

  • Difficulty in learning nursey rhymes.
  • Difficulty in paying attention, sitting still and listening to stories.
  • Difficulty in learning to sing or recite the alphabets.
  • Muddles words e.g. cubumber, flutterby.
  • Difficulty keeping simple rhythm.
  • Finds it hard to carry out two or more instructions given at one time.
  • Cannot remember names of friends, teacher, colours etc.
  • Poor auditory discrimination.
  • Confusion between directional words e.g. up /down.
  • Difficulty with sequencing e.g. coloured beads, classroom routines.
  • Substitutes words e.g. “lampshade” for “lamppost”

Signs of Dyslexia in Primary and Secondary School Age

General signs to look for are as follows:

  • Speed of processing: slow spoken, written language.
  • Poor concentration.
  • Difficulty following instructions.
  • Forgetting words.

Some of the academics concerns that can be noticed are:

Written work

  • Difficulty in written work compared with oral ability
  • Produces messy work with many crossing out and words tried several times, e.g. wipe, wype, wiep, wipe
  • Reversals in writing alphabets particularly b/d, p/g, p/q, n/u, m/w
  • Poor handwriting with many “reversals” and illegible letters/Numbers.
  • Uses different spellings for one word e.g.: would, weeuld, wooded, etc.
  • Make anagrams of words, e.g. tried for tried, bread for beard.
  • Poor pencil grip.
  • writes infrequent sequences of letters or words.


  • Slow reading progress.
  • Finds it difficult to blend letters together in order to read.
  • Has difficulty in knowing the beginnings and ending of words.
  • Unusual pronunciation of words.
  • Poor expression in reading and comprehending.
  • Hesitant in reading aloud.
  • While reading omits or add words.
  • Fails to recognise familiar words.


  • Misperception with place value e.g. units, tens, hundreds
  • Confused in operational symbols such as + and x signs.
  • Difficulty remembering tables, days of week, months
  • Difficulty in understanding concepts-yesterday, today, tomorrow.
  • Has difficulty in reading analogue time.


  • Poor motor skills.
  • Usually rote learn tables, poems, questions and answers. This shows difficulty in memory.
  • Confused in directions such as left and right, up and down, east and west.


  • Avoidances in completing academic tasks, some of the tactics that can be used are sharpening pencils or looking for books.
  • Seems “dreamy” doesn’t seem to listen.
  • Easily distracted.
  • Disruptive or withdrawn.
  • Is excessively tired due to the amount of concentration and effort required.

Dyslexia is a permanent problem. However, early detection and evaluation helps to determine specific needs and appropriate treatment can be used to develop skills.

Treatments and Techniques.

Dyslexia is a life –long condition- so the first step in treating it is early intervention, followed by multi- sensory teaching approach and emotional support.

The earlier a dyslexic child is diagnosed, the easier it is for the counsellor to help them. With proper guidance, a dyslexic child can overcome his difficulties to a great level and have a better life.

Treatment focuses on helping your child:

  • Learn to recognize and use the smallest sounds that make up words (phoneme).
  • Understand the letters and strings of letters representing these sounds and words (phonics).
  • Comprehend what he/she is reading.
  • Read aloud to build reading accuracy, speed and expression (fluency).
  • Build a vocabulary of recognized and understand words.

Some of the techniques that can be used are:

  1. The Multi-Sensory Approach

The key to help a dyslexic child is through multi-sensory learning methods. Academic concepts are broken down into smaller units that can be explained using multi-sensory inputs of touch, smell and sound.

Therapist can use sensory materials such as sand, salt, water, slime to teach a child with dyslexia to learn alphabets, numbers and other academic concepts.

  1. Emotional Support Provided by The Counsellor

A dyslexic child needs the help of a counsellor who will be working with the instructor in school. This helps the child to work at the same pace as his classmates.

Also it is relevant to know that a child with dyslexia will not purposefully be disinterested to learn but it’s an indicator that in learning academic concepts he/she requires extra assistance. Some of the concessions given to a child with dyslexia are extra time, writer, assistance in taking down class notes, applying study skills such as: mnemonics, acronyms and highlighting main words. A therapist can train a child with dyslexia to use computer related word documents in writing so that the child is accommodated in making minimal spelling errors.

A dyslexic person will also require counselling to deal with the stress of additional work hours, and emotional problems associated with it.

  1. Assistive Technologies

There are some assistive technologies available in the markets that can help the dyslexic people in reading, writing, maths and organizing.

Examples are:

  • Computer software to write or read texts.
  • Application on hand –held electronic devices to read texts, communicate and organize work and learning.
  • Specialized devices like reading pens, scanners, calculators or talking dictionaries to help with daily tasks.

  1. Parental support

The parents of youngsters diagnosed with dyslexia can support their children in every possible way. Here are some guidelines for the parents:

  • Address the problem early: recognize the child's difficulties as early as possible.
  • Work with your child’s teacher: work together with the teacher and counsellor to understand the child’s problem and the role you can play in the child’s life.
  • Teaching organizing skills such as keeping things in place of his/her own room, following a planned schedule and maintaining a routine.
  • Dyslexic kids are usually gifted in certain areas so parents should encourage the child's talents.
  • Encourage reading: read aloud to your child from 6months of age. Designate a reading time for everyone in the house so the child learns by examples.

People with dyslexia shouldn’t feel restricted in their academic or career choices. Most colleges make special accommodations for students with dyslexia such as offering them trained tutors, learning aids (computer software), record reading assignments and extra time or providing a writer for exams. People with dyslexia can become inventors, entrepreneurs, corporate executives or whatever else they choose. Many famous people with dyslexia have very successful careers in these and other fields, despite having had a reading struggle in class.

Looking for a Special Educator/Remedial Therapist in Mumbai? You can avail the services at the below mentioned address:


22B, Vasantrao N Naik Marg,

Opp.Bhatia Hospital, Tardeo.

Mumbai -400007.



+91 22 23868650

+91 22 23875147

+91 8108799299


1/155,15, Nyayymurti Siram Patkar Marg, Khareghat Colony, Hughes Road, Mumbai -400007.

+91 22 23828133

+91 22 23856228

+91 9702800044

Mpower has mental health centres located in Bangalore and Kolkata as well. Also, a new mental health centre is opening up soon in Pune. You can avail mental health services at the below mentioned centres as well.


2nd Floor, 2983, 12th Main,
Indira Nagar, HAL, 2nd stage,
Bengaluru - 560 008.


+91 80 25209712


Unit N210A-211, 2nd Floor,
North Block, Ideal Plaza,
11/1, Sarat Bose Road
Kolkata 700020


+91 90735 55522

You can book an appointment here- https://mpowerminds.com/seekhelp .
You can also chat with the counsellors here- https://mpowerminds.com/chat.
You can check out our team of experienced counsellors here- https://mpowerminds.com/ourteam

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Zainab Dhariwala
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