The Arrival Fallacy: Will You Truly Be Happy After Achieving Your Goals?

Arrival Fallacy

Have you ever found yourselves eagerly chasing after a goal, convinced that once you achieve it, you'll finally be happy? Goals could be getting a promotion, purchasing a dream home, reaching certain wealth, and getting some perfect partner….

This common phenomenon, known as the 'arrival fallacy,' leads us to believe that your happiness is waiting for you just beyond the next milestone.

But what happens when you finally reach your goals? Will they bring you the lasting happiness you've been seeking, or is there more to the story than meets the eye?

The Reality Check - Arrival Fallacy

Surprisingly, the happiness you anticipate often fails to materialize in the way you imagined. Instead of experiencing a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, you may find yourselves feeling empty or disillusioned. The thrill of achievement quickly fades, leaving you wondering why you don't feel as happy as you expected. This discrepancy between your expectations and reality is the crux of the arrival fallacy which eventually can lead you to severe depression.

So, What is Arrival Fallacy?

The arrival fallacy is the belief that your happiness and contentment lie in the future, waiting for you to achieve something specific. You constantly chase after these goals, thinking they hold the key to your well-being. However, what often happens is that when you finally reach these milestones, the happiness you expected doesn't last. you may feel a temporary high, but it quickly fades, and you find yourselves setting new goals, repeating the cycle endlessly.

History And Origin of The Concept - Arrival Fallacy

In psychology, researchers have long explored the intricacies of human happiness and satisfaction. Psychologist Daniel Gilbert, in his book 'Stumbling on Happiness,' has discussed in detail how humans often misjudge what will make them happy in the future. He proposed that people tend to overestimate the impact of achieving goals on their overall happiness, a concept closely related to the Arrival Fallacy.

Over time, empirical studies and anecdotal evidence have further validated the existence of the Arrival Fallacy in human behavior. Understanding its history and origin sheds light on the complexities of human psychology and the quest for genuine happiness beyond the mere attainment of goals.

Tal Ben-Shahar, a PhD scholar in Organizational Behavior from Harvard University introduces the term “Arrival Fallacy” for the first time in human history. Ben-Shahar, quoting 'The New York Times,' characterises the arrival fallacy as the widespread misconception that reaching a certain objective will bring satisfaction. He notes that celebrities and other extremely successful people have fallen victim to the arrival fallacy, leading to mental health issues and substance misuse even after realising their aspirations.

According to Ben-Shahar, those who fall victim to the arrival fallacy frequently begin life with unhappiness and strive toward an objective that seems to lift their spirits. They are not only upset when achievement doesn't make them happy, but they may also become hopeless and sad. The arrival fallacy frequently worsens mental illnesses and leads to chronic depression.

So, What Are The Causes of Arrival Fallacy?

It is very important to understand what is the reason behind Arrival Fallacy. The amount of research that has been done on Arrival Fallacy is not enough to understand the reasons behind this phenomenon.

However, you can have some idea of the situations that make you happy. Till today children are being taught that achievements or success bring happiness. But things like monetary achievements, successful careers, and social status are not the only things that bring happiness. There’s a lot of things that are far more crucial to stay happy in day-to-day life.

Hence, it is very clear that running behind false happiness is one of the main causes of the development arrival fallacy.

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Now that you have discussed the causes let us understand how to get rid of it.

Overcoming The Arrival Fallacy

To overcome the arrival fallacy and find genuine happiness, you must shift your perspective and focus on what truly matters. Here are a few strategies to help you break free from the grip of the arrival fallacy:

Practice Gratitude:

Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by appreciating the blessings and joys that already exist in your life. By acknowledging the good things around you, you'll find it easier to experience happiness in the present moment.

Set Meaningful Goals:

Instead of chasing after arbitrary benchmarks of success, set goals that align with your values and aspirations. Focus on personal growth, relationships, and experiences that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Embrace The Process:

Learn to enjoy the journey toward your goals, rather than fixating solely on the end result. Each step you take brings you closer to your dreams, so savor the moments along the way.

Celebrate Small Victories:

Acknowledge and celebrate the progress you make along the way, no matter how small. By recognizing your achievements, you'll find fulfillment in the journey, rather than just in reaching the final destination.

Live in The Present:

Practice mindfulness and be fully present in each moment. Instead of constantly dwelling on the future or ruminating on the past, focus on what you can do right now to bring joy and meaning to your life.

Seek Professional Help:

If you are facing a problem of arrival fallacy you should reach out to the nearest mental health care facilities. Here are some key mental health services available in India: some of the government and private organizations provide the best quality mental health care services in India.

MPower is one of them in India that provides holistic mental health solutions for any of your mental health concerns. Book your appointment with MpowerCentre, the nearest mental health counseling centre in your city. You can download Mpower - a Holistic Mental Health App and track your mood on a regular basis. You can also book your preferred therapist through this application.

You can also contact through the Mental Health Crisis Helpline Number, call 1800-1208-20050. Other than Mpower, NIMHANS is a renowned name in the field of Mental health, in India.

With the rise of digital technology, tele-counseling and online mental health platforms have become increasingly popular in India. Mpower is also providing this telecounseling facility as well. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, reaching out to these services can provide valuable support and assistance. The therapists will be able to understand your mindset and prepare you to manage disappointment.


The arrival fallacy teaches us an important lesson: happiness cannot be found in external achievements alone, it is about practicing mindfulness and finding inner peace. Enjoying the journey rather than the destination is the key to happiness. So, live in the present!

image credit : freepik

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Minal Mayabhate
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