Insomnia and Depression Breaking the Cycle and Finding Relief

Get rid of Insomnia and Depression

What are Depression and Sleep problems?

Depression is characterised by recurring periods of sadness, disappointment, and hopelessness, as well as other emotional, mental, and physical changes that make daily activities difficult. When painful emotions last for more than two weeks, are felt virtually every day, and last for the majority of the day, they may be linked to a category of mood disorders known as depressive disorders.

Even sleep problems are frequently associated with depression. People suffering from depression may have difficulty falling and staying asleep at night and times of excessive daytime sleepiness.

Sleep issues can increase depression, creating a difficult-to-break negative cycle between depression and sleep. Sleep deprivation might even lead to depression in certain people. So, understanding the intricate relationship between sleep and depression might help you improve your sleep and manage your depression better with mental health care .

How are depression and sleep-related?

Depression and sleep are inextricably linked. Sleep problems affect the majority of persons who suffer from depression. In fact, clinicians may be hesitant to identify depression in the absence of sleep issues.

Depression and sleep problems have a symbiotic relationship. This indicates that lack of sleep can contribute to the development of depression, and sadness increases the likelihood of sleep problems. This complicated interaction can make it difficult to determine which arose first, sleep problems or sadness.

Depression frequently coexists with insomnia, implying that persons who suffer from sleeplessness also suffer from depression. If the sleep problem is not addressed , it can lead to additional issues such as drug and alcohol addictions or self-harm. Furthermore, when we are tense or concerned, our brain creates more cortisol (the stress hormone), which feeds sleeplessness and mood disorders like depression.

Anxiety is also frequent , and the causal relationship between anxiety and sleeplessness can go either way - it all depends on which arrived first. The main thing to remember is that insomnia and poor-quality sleep can increase the risk of anxiety and exacerbate its symptoms.Sleep disorders like insomnia, hypersomnia, and obstructive sleep apnea are frequently linked to depression. According to estimates, 15% of those with hypersomnia and 20% of those with depression have obstructive sleep apnea. A lack of sleep may affect serotonin's ability to carry out its normal functions, which might lead to depression. Sleep disturbances can impact the body's stress response and interfere with the benefits of societally beneficial circadian rhythms.

Why does depression impact sleep?

Depression can cause behavioral changes, which in turn have an impact on sleep. For instance, a person might start using screens more frequently in the evening, consume more alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, or sleep in later, which would make them less fatigued at bedtime.

Stress is a risk factor for psychological disturbances. A Reliable Source for depression may make a person dwell on issues and unfavorable ideas. It may be challenging to fall asleep if someone routinely does this before bed. This might make going to bed difficult in and of itself, starting a vicious cycle of stress and insomnia.

Physical modifications: Depression alters a person's hormone levels, brain activity, and chemistry, which could be another reason causing sleep issues.

What helps?

  • Sleep hygiene refers to practices that promote a regular sleep-wake cycle, such as getting up at the same time every day, eating meals at regular times, reserving the bedroom only for sleep or sex, and avoiding evening activities that disrupt sleep, such as drinking alcohol or using electronic devices.
  • Sleep restriction therapy entails decreasing the amount of time a person sleeps in order to enhance weariness, which results in better or longer sleep. This method may assist a person in resuming a normal sleep-wake cycle.
  • Relaxation treatment can help reduce tension and anxiety. Every evening, people may find it beneficial to do gentle types of yoga, tai chi, meditation, or other practices.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT): This is a subtype of cognitive behavioural therapy that is used to treat insomnia. It helps people to reframe their thinking in order to change their behaviour and improve their sleep.

Tips to Remember

  • Before bedtime, try meditation, soothing music, or reading a book to help you relax while focusing your thoughts on neutral or pleasant themes.
  • Clear your mind of worries by making a list of tasks that must be performed the next day. Then promise yourself that you'll think about it tomorrow.
  • Exercise on a regular basis, but no later than a couple hours before bedtime. Daily exercise, such as stretching and conditioning activities, can assist in promoting sleep and alleviate the anxiety that many individuals feel about falling asleep.
  • Avoid gazing at a bright screen (such as a laptop or television) before going to bed because the light released by computer displays or LCD screens might prevent the release of the natural hormone melatonin, which signals the brain to sleep.
  • Arousal caused by racing thoughts, anxieties, or rumination may cause sleep to be delayed. Yoga and deep abdominal breathing are two relaxation methods that may help you fall asleep.
  • Light vibrations of various frequencies and intensities are delivered to the skin by technologies such as the Apollo wearable, which may aid in positively affecting the nervous system to help focus, reduce stress, and promote sleep.
  • When a person is unable to sleep, it is recommended to leave the sleeping area and do something relaxing. This may assist in alleviating stress and prevent a person from developing bad sleep associations.
  • Only use sleep medicines if other treatments have failed. Some of these medications can lead to addiction and are only safe to take for a short period of time.
  • image credit : freepik

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    Priya Parmar
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