What are the benefits of Remedial Therapy? Find the best remedial therapy services in Bangalore.

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When it comes to Remedial Therapy a lot of times we have noticed that there is a misconception that only Children with severe Special Needs like Autism, ADHD or Intellectual Disability require Remedial Therapy.

Remedial Therapy can strengthen the weak areas related to cognition and can be availed by any child who is facing difficulty in learning and coping up in daily life activities, or difficulty in Cognitive understanding/Cognitive Skills, Social Communication skills, Fine Motor Skills and Behavioral Skills.

Remedial Therapy is not to be mistaken with tuitions; it does not focus on a particular academic subject, but instead focuses on the areas or the skill the child is lacking, which is creating a mental block in the learning aspect of the child. A remedial therapist helps in strengthening the skill and bridging the gap which helps in removing the mental block so the child is more confident and capable while performing various activities in their daily life.

Also read: https://mpowerminds.com/blog/What-is-remedial-therapy-When-is-the-right-time-to-take-remedial-therapy

A Remedial Therapist uses a set of instructions, strategies and exercises; these focused activities can improve core cognitive abilities such as Attention, Memory, Problem Solving skills, and also Visual, Auditory and Sequential processing.

A lot of times Children receive negative feedbacks from schools and are labeled as either “children below average IQ” or “difficult children with Behaviour”, but that’s not the case, we need to understand that children have different styles of learning. As educators we need to change our teaching style based on the learning style and understanding of the child. In a school with a large number of children it is difficult to focus only on one child or to focus on each child individually, this is where the need for Remedial Therapy arises, to help the child cope up with what they are lacking and to also give an insight and spread awareness to the teachers in the school. It is a basic right for all to an equal opportunity of receiving education, so no one should be denied the opportunity of learning just because of a few hurdles on the way.

Remedial Therapy is a necessity as we need to understand that each child is unique and so is their learning style. To understand learning styles better here are the 4 types of learning styles.

  • First, we have the VISUAL LEARNER whose preference for visual learning is partial to seeing and observing things. Children who learn through sight understand information better when it is presented in a visual way. Using a Whiteboard, Flash cards, Drawings or Diagrams are helpful as they require visual cues.
  • Second, we have the AUDITORY LEARNER they learn better when a topic is explained or reinforced with sounds. These types of learners learn better by listening rather than by reading so instead of a visual cue they require verbal prompts. Group discussions, watching educational Videos, listening to audiotapes are few of the helpful ways of learning for an auditory learner.
  • Next, we have the KINESTHETIC LEARNER they are also called Tactile learners and they learn through experiencing or doing things. These types of Learners might struggle to sit still and read or write but they excel and learn more through hands on activities which involves touch or by acting out events.
  • Lastly, we have the READING/WRITING LEARNER and they prefer to learn through writing, reading articles or books, and researching a certain topic. Although there is an overlap with visual learning, these types of learners are drawn towards expressions and require a lot more time to absorb information.

In Remedial Therapy we focus more on the learning styles of the children rather than the working styles of the therapist. A therapist requires a lot of patience and a determined effort to help the child in areas of difficulty. As we know most times children require repeated instructions and trials and opportunities before they finally understand a concept. So as a therapist we should therefore work relentlessly until the goals set for the child are achieved even if it is going at a slow pace. We always have to be on our toes, if one method isn’t working or helping the child we need to be ready with another method or ways of learning which will help with the progress of the child.

And Lastly, The most important thing I want to address is the importance of a Positive Feedback in the growth of the child as well as the parents. With regards to the child’s behaviour a positive feedback is significant. We need to encourage good behaviour no matter how small it may seem. Sometimes what we don’t realize is how a negative feedback can discourage and impact the child’s cognitive abilities and may aggravate wrong behaviour.

The Best Remedial Therapy services in Bangalore can be availed at:

  • MPower – The Bengaluru Centre
    2983, 2nd Floor, 12th Main, Indira Nagar, HAL 2nd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka
    +91 9702803210
    080 25209712
    To contact us please visit: https://mpowerminds.com/contact

If you think you could be in a need of help, do read this: https://mpowerminds.com/blog/Benefits-of-Individual-Therapy-and-best-individual-therapist-in-bangalore

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Julie Christie
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