Help your child with learning disability through remedial therapy.

“Patri se hatkar bahut Kam log soch paate hai’’ or “Har Bachche ki apni Khoobi hoti hai,apni kaabiliyat hot hai,apni chahat hoti hai” famous dialogue from the movie Taare Zameen Par which was an eye opener to parents of dyslexic children, peers as well as teachers. The key message of the story was that with caring and understanding you can make a difference. A beautiful bond is seen between a student and a zealous teacher who always encouraged him to achieve his goals.
According to the International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition (ICD -10) Learning Disability category is called “Specific developmental disorder of scholastic skills”. It is renamed as “Development learning disorder” in the recently released ICD-11 and the subtypes as those with impairment in reading (Dyslexia), written Dysgraphia), mathematics (Dyscalculia), and with other specified impairment of learning.
In India Learning disabilities are common among children. 12.97% of rural primary school children having IQ greater than or equal to 90 were found to have poor academic achievement. Studies conducted to determine the prevalence of learning disabilities have reported prevalence rates ranging from 3-10 per cent among students of India. 1.58 percent of 12- to 18-year-old school students had a specific learning disability in a study conducted in Chandigarh.
Ever since we were young, we were made to believed that life was a race. If we didn’t run fast enough, we would be crushed and overtaken. The dialogue from the movie 3 Idiots. This is because we still believe in competition rather than healthy competition. Time has changed and hence we need to change our perspective towards Specific Learning Disability in students.
The 1st intervention should be early detection, acceptance by parents & broad awareness among the academic community and above all a mature handling of the problem. Early detection should be preceded by early screening of the child. The checklist for LD in the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Manual (SSA, 2003) is also a helpful tool for initial screening by teachers in the schools. However, at present, the assessment itself is being used as a screening or identification procedure. The child must be assessed in all areas related to the suspected disability such as health, vision, hearing, social & emotional status, general intelligence, academic performance, communicative status, & motor abilities.
Mpower the foundation provides Remedial Education for students who have identified difficulty in reading, writing, and Math. Remedial Therapy is designed to close the gap between what a child knows and what he is expected to know. The therapist conducts an individual session and focuses on developing the skills rather than on content or rote learning. The therapist designed a program which provides IEP (Individual Educational Plan) that assists students to achieve expected competencies in core academic skills. IEP is discussed with the parents and shared with the school teachers for regular schooling. Remedial Education addresses the multiple areas that are responsible for ensuring positive, meaningful and long-lasting learning experiences. Learning is not memorizing or remembering the exact words from the book. In fact, learning is understanding it and being able to explain it in your own words. Therapists often use classical teaching, learning aids, assistive techniques, play way methods and various techniques. They help them to improve attention skills and phonetics awareness. Work on basic concepts like logical and analytical skills. Help them to improve school work. It alleviates boredom, enhances attention and makes learning fun. The therapist upgrades the skills of them with the holistic approach.
The famous personality Albert Einstein was a mathematical genius. He didn’t learn to talk until he was three. He struggled with dysgraphia, dyslexia and word finding. But with guidance given to him at the right time helped him to achieve his goals. He won the Nobel Prize for his quantum theory.
If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn with the help of Remedial therapy.
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