Steps to Cope with Severe Anxiety

Everyone has some degree of concern or unease from time to time, thus anxiety is a normal aspect of life. However, extreme anxiety that seems overwhelming or uncontrollable may indicate a mental health disease and anxiety-related mental health conditions are very treatable

People with anxiety disorders suffer frequent and overwhelming anxiety, fear, terror, and panic in everyday settings, whereas having occasional emotions of worry is typical. These feelings are unhealthy if they interfere with your ability to perform regularly. Extreme anxiety can cause significant distress and make it difficult to function in daily life. If you are experiencing anxiety symptoms that appear severe, excessive, or out of proportion to the real threat, consult your healthcare physician. There are excellent treatments available to help you get relief.

What is Extreme Anxiety?

Extreme anxiety refers to intense, out-of-proportional feelings of worry, panic, or fear. It is not a clinical term or mental illness diagnosis. Individuals may experience anxiety differently, from butterflies to panic attacks. Severe anxiety can lead to difficulty in work or socializing, and may cause extreme distress, leading to avoidance of situations that trigger these feelings. Different levels of anxiety can occur at different times.

How to Coping with Extreme Anxiety

Living with high anxiety can be difficult, but there are some self-help practices that can help you manage your symptoms.

Find Social Support

Having someone to support you is essential for your psychological well-being, but it is especially crucial while dealing with severe anxiety. Speak with a trusted loved one or join an in-person or online anxiety support group. Talking about your feelings with others who have been through similar experiences is an excellent approach to gain support, caring, and motivation.

Practice mindfulness:

Few studies says that mindfulness is connected with lower levels of anxiety.14 Mindfulness entails focusing on the current moment rather than worrying about the past or future concerns. This can reduce anxiety, soothe the body, and promote better awareness.

Practice focused, deep breathing

Anxiety is frequently associated with quick, shallow breathing. Slow breathing techniques have been shown in studies to provide a variety of health advantages, including a reduction in anxiety. This can assist to alleviate symptoms during times of stress.

Measured breathing techniques can help you manage your anxiety in the moment. Take a deep breath in for 4 counts and out for 4 counts for a total of 5 minutes. Evening out your breath can lower your heart rate, which should help you relax. Another well-known breathing rhythm for anxiety reduction is the 4-7-8 technique.

Limit avoidance behaviors:

While avoiding the things that make you worried can bring temporary relief, this technique likely to exacerbate anxiety in the long run. Instead of avoiding your triggers, focus on addressing them progressively. Start small and use coping strategies to minimize your anxiety. Deep breathing and other relaxation techniques can help you remember that your worried ideas are simply that: thoughts.


To ease anxiety at home, individuals can use relaxation techniques, physical exercise, sleep, reduce caffeine use, and talk to a trusted loved one. However, for severe or ongoing anxiety, it's better to face it and find ways to cope. Five helpful strategies include relaxation techniques, physical exercise, sleep, reducing caffeine use, and talking to a trusted loved one.

Identify And Learn to Manage Your Triggers

Identifying and addressing anxiety triggers is critical for dealing with and managing anxiety attacks. Common triggers include job, relationship stress, drug withdrawal, side effects, prior trauma, chronic pain, coffee, and smoking. Each person has unique triggers, making it essential to engage with a therapist.

Begin with the 'growth' mindset

Start with the 'growth' mindset. Some people have a fixed mindset. They may think, ‘This is who I am. I am too nervous to speak in class. So, I don't raise my hand. People with a fixed mindset believe that things can't change. They accept themselves just as they are. However, brain science has shown that you can train your brain to respond in new ways. People that have a growth mindset realize this. They recognize that with dedication and practice, they can improve in practically any field. This entails reducing anxiety’.

Notice how anxiety affects your body.

Start with the 'growth' mindset. Some people have a fixed mindset. They may think, ‘This is how I am.’ I am too nervous to speak in class. So, I don't raise my hand. People with a fixed mindset believe that things can't change. They accept themselves just as they are.

However, brain science has shown that you can train your brain to respond in new ways. People that have a growth mindset realize this. They recognize that with dedication and practice, they can improve in practically any field. This entails reducing anxiety

Thought journal

It can be beneficial to develop the practice of writing down your thoughts and emotions in a notebook every day. For some people, simply writing down their thoughts can be comforting. Journaling can also have long-term advantages. According to research, regular emotion-led journaling can help reduce anxiety, despair, and distress.
Face the situation — don’t wait for anxiety to go away.

You might think you'll postpone speaking in class or meeting that new person until you're no longer nervous about it. But it does not operate that way. Facing your anxiety helps you reduce it.

Seeking Help for Severe Anxiety

If anxiety is interfering with your ability to operate normally or causing severe suffering in your life, you should seek professional help. Severe anxiety seldom goes away on its own and generally increases with time. Furthermore, many of the coping mechanisms used to reduce anxiety, such as avoidance, actually aggravate the problem.

Anxiety may always be there in your life, but it should not take over your daily activities. There are numerous things you may take to control your acute and long-term anxiety symptoms. While home remedies may be helpful, a mental health expert may help you identify your triggers and sustain long-term strategy through behavioral therapy, drugs, and other treatments.


image credit : freepik

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Sushmita J
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