Speaking about mental health is not shame at all

Speaking about mental health is not a shame

Introduction to the reality

We frequently have self-conscious thoughts and the sense that we are not 'normal' in accordance with societal norms. It might have to do with how we think, dress, act, or even who we truly are. One of those things is mental health, which carries with it a certain amount of shame. As we sit here People who have mental illnesses may experience stigma; they may be treated differently, seen negatively, and made to feel ashamed or unworthy, as though they are somehow inferior to other people.

This discrimination may result from stigma, which may exacerbate mental illness. It is an example of a stigma when someone with a mental illness is referred to as 'dangerous,' 'crazy,' or 'incompetent' rather than being ill. It's time for us to recognise how mental health contributes to many of our physical illnesses, just as we are attentive to people's physical well-being.

When someone with a mental illness is made fun of or referred to as weak for getting care, there is also stigma. This shame frequently incorporates false stereotypes. It's possible to say that people with mental illnesses tend to be more violent than the general population. Anxious people may be called cowards rather than suffering from a disease. It is possible to advise depressed people to 'snap out of it.' It is inaccurate to refer to people with schizophrenia as having 'split personalities.' These are all instances of stigmatisation of those who suffer from mental illness.

Do you, however, consider it to be anything to be ashamed of? Do you think we should capitalise on this stigma in order to feel worse about ourselves? I choose to say NO.

I saw someone post that I might be just as damaged as you on Instagram one day as I was scrolling through it. You remember those 'I need my shrink' memes we keep seeing? It makes me happy and proud that we are now having this conversation. I'm starting to normalise it to my routine doctor's appointments for the flu or even my gynecological visits.

Mental health care - How does it work?

If you've decided to discuss your mental health and mental health care with someone, you might be anxious about how things will go and what might happen let's talk about what to anticipate.

For both participants in the conversation, things could seem a little awkward at first. Talking about anything having to do with one's body or health might be difficult for many people at first. But You'll likely experience relief. It can seem like a weight has been lifted when you are able to open up and discuss something that you have been keeping to yourself for a long time. You never know what personal experience the person you're speaking to has. Also that you might not receive the response you were anticipating. When you do have the courage to speak up, hearing comments like 'you simply have the blues,' 'get over it,' 'stop being foolish,' or 'you worry too much' can be demoralising.

This kind of response might occasionally be related to culture or expectations. Attempt to describe how it is actually impacting your ability to lead a healthy and happy life and how you are unsure of how to make things better. Someone else will 'get it' if for some reason the person you picked to talk to is still not understanding. Consider another person you may speak with who could provide you with the support you require. But don't stop as it's your first step and we are just going to move forward with this.

Speaking openly about one's current mental state, childhood traumas, or challenging living situations requires a lot of effort. What can we do, then, to help them feel at ease in our presence?

Listen. Without interjecting, let them finish their sentences and their thoughts. You can answer once they've finished speaking. Indicate to them if you comprehend. We can also avoid responding with phrases like 'You're simply having a bad week' or 'I'm sure it's nothing ' that downplay how they are feeling or what they are going through. Make yourself accessible to speak once more if necessary. Even though it might be quite relieving for someone to reveal something they've been holding private, mental health issues rarely get resolved in a single discussion. Remind the person you spoke with that they can get in touch with you again if they are experiencing trouble. It's acceptable to inform them about specific times of day or days.

We live in a world where both the messiness and beauty of our lives coexist. Let's make its beauty more beautiful for all around us.

Image credits: Freepik

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Tanya Sharma
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