Childhood Depression - All You Need to Know

Childhood Depression

Childhood depression is a mental health disorder in children characterised by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities. It can affect a child's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, leading to various emotional and physical problems.

Depression is a common mental health problem experienced globally. According to WHO reports around 3.8% of the population experience depression. It looks different to different people. As the symptoms and experiences vary from person to person and in intensity. It is being used loosely by people experiencing sadness or temporary setbacks. We come across articles and news about adult depression. Little do we know about depression in children. Childhood depression is different from a moody kid or a feeling of sadness. Adult children also feel sadness which can be normal if it lasts for a short period. It becomes a serious concern if the sadness of mood lasts for more than two weeks.

Symptoms of Depression in Children:

Symptoms of depression in children can be subtle initially and may show up or become prominent gradually. It can be

  • Lack of interest in surroundings. A child may lose interest in the environment and not find anything interesting.
  • Loss of appetite or change in appetite
  • Change in sleep schedule. Children may find it difficult to sleep or may sleep a lot.
  • A Child may experience low energy or fatigue.
  • Children may also get irritated or frustrated easily.
  • Children with depression also have difficulty concentrating or decision-making.
  • Physical complaints such as headache or stomachache.
  • The Child may express vocal outbursts or crying.
  • Social withdrawal from situations.

Not all children experience all these symptoms but children may experience a few or a mix of them.

Causes of Depression in Children:

The question of causes or factors contributing to depression in children has amazed researchers and medical health professionals. However, factors like

  • physical disorders,
  • disabilities,
  • life experiences,
  • trauma,
  • any kind of abuse, and
  • heredity

can play a major role. Children whose parents have depression are at a greater risk of having depression. Risk increases if a family history like grandparents have depression. Some other psychological disorders like bipolar disorder are also associated with the increased risk of having depression.

Suicide Risk:

Depression in any stage can cause suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Parents need to look for warning signs and they can be

  • Severity of depression
  • Social Isolation
  • Talking of loss of life, death, etc.
  • Frequent accidents
  • Talking of hopelessness
  • Interest in substance use.

How Depression Is Diagnosed in Children:

Medical professionals or clinical psychologists can interview the child and the important stakeholders like parents, teachers, and siblings. The information can help to understand and differentiate the normal reaction from an unhappy situation. A Clinical diagnosis of depression in children can include-

  • Questionnaire to provide objective data to diagnose.
  • Personal interview to understand the condition better.
  • Review of family history to understand the history of mental health disorders among family members.
  • Mental state examination and detailed case history.

Treatment for Childhood Depression-

It is very important to understand that depression can get better with time. But if no proper intervention is done it can worsen. Treatment of depression in children can include medication and psychological therapies. Some children can benefit from either of them while some may benefit from the combination of them.

Therapy for Childhood Depression-

If the child is diagnosed with depression the first line of treatment is psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is widely used for treating depression. CBT uses identifying unhelpful thinking patterns and challenging them. Cognitive restructuring is used to replace the unhelpful thinking patterns with the healthy thinking patterns. With children it cannot be as useful as it is with adults due to limited vocabulary hence other therapies such as expressive art therapy have been used to help children with behavioral and emotional issues cope with their struggles. Expressive Art therapy helps children to communicate their feelings openly through a nonverbal communication medium. It helps children develop coping skills thus helping them improve self-esteem and confidence. Different forms of Art Therapies Are Music & Dance, Drawing and Painting, Sculpting, collage making, etc.

Children with mild to moderate depression can benefit from psychotherapy. However moderate to severe depression may need a pharmacological intervention. Some other alternative ways to add on can be a healthy diet, physical exercise, meditation/prayers, and supplements.

Can Depression in Children Be Prevented?

Children with a family history of depression are at higher risk of developing depression than children with no family history of depression. However, a few strategies parents can adopt to prevent depression are-

  • Provide Warmth, Care & Support –
  • A positive relationship with children with appropriate boundaries can prove to be very effective in preventing depression in children.

  • Encourage Individuality-
  • Parents should encourage individuality by allowing freedom to make children's decisions. It helps them develop a sense of self-esteem and confidence in themselves.

  • Encourage Healthy Social Behaviors-
  • Having positive relationships, and being part of a social crowd helps in preventing depression and social isolation.

  • Encourage Children to Have A Value-Driven Life-
  • Value-driven life helps to have a sense of purpose in life. Gratitude journaling can be really helpful in focusing on the positives in life and being grateful for what they have. Thus helping to prevent depression.


    Depression in children should not be taken lightly as a mood-related or temperamental phase. Parents should try to see any major changes that start affecting the child’s daily routine then parents need to consult the expert. Mental health care still carries taboo in our society but parents need to realize that the lives of their children are more important than “what society or others will think of “. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Mental health is as important as physical health. It should be given the utmost priority like physical health.

    image credit : freepik

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