New Relationship causing anxiety? Seek help from the best mental health services in Kolkata.

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Sometimes beginning of a new relationship can induce giddiness in stomach, racing of heart, perspiration!!! No I am not describing romantic excitement here; I am talking about anxiety. Anxiety itself is a state of mind where a person cannot stop thinking about certain things and values himself/herself down. Entering in a new relationship can be anxiety provoking for some people. This isn’t unusual, so one generally don’t need to feel concerned about passing doubts or fears, especially if they don’t affect them that much. Sometimes these anxious thoughts grow and creep into daily life. If this anxiety in a new relationship, impacts your love life negatively, it is time that you get help.

Red Flags in new relationship

  • ✓ Repetitive doubt if the relationship will work out or not:sometimes person has repetitive doubt that “the relationship will not work out between them”. The thought becomes reason behind anxiety.
  • ✓ Doubting partner’s feeling for him/her:In new relationship, person sometimes doubt that their partner does not have feelings for them.
  • ✓ Doubts about long term compatibility:Relationship anxiety can make you question whether one is truly compatible with his/her partner, even when things are going great in the relationship. He/ she might question whether the happiness is real or not.
  • ✓ Tendency of sabotaging new relationship:Sometimes, because of relationship anxiety, person tends to sabotage his relationship unknowingly. He /she picks up arguments unnecessarily, test the boundaries of relationship due to anxiety of getting hurt by partners.
  • ✓ Mind Reading:Person sometimes start reading the mind of their partners. If he /she says “I am so tired”, it might get interpreted as “He/she is bored with me and don’t want to spend more time with me.” Mind reading tendencies can increase conflicts in relationships.
  • ✓ Excessive self-doubt: New relationship can sometimes bring out excessive self-doubts and person starts questioning “Am I good enough for her?”
  • ✓ Lack of communication of one’s true feeling: In fear of losing the partner, one start faking their behaviour and does not communicate their true feelings.
  • ✓ Fear of losing independence: Some people feel anxious that they will lose their personal space and their independence will be taken away. This thought creates anxiety

Relationship anxiety can be caused by:

  • ✓ Lack of self-confidence
  • ✓ Poor attachment with parental figures
  • ✓ Difficult past relationship experience and bitter break-ups
  • ✓ Poor communication skills
  • ✓ Difficulty in anger control
  • ✓ Poor coping skills

If you’re having a hard time working through relationship anxiety on your own, talking to a therapist can help you get some clarity. It’s also a great way to learn how to cope with the effects of relationship anxiety. For relationship anxiety, a therapist who works with couples can be particularly helpful. One can look for relationship counsellor’s in hospitals, mental health clinics and multispecialty clinics. While looking for counsellors few pointers you need to keep in mind:

  • ✓ If the person has degree or diploma in psychology. Do they have RCI registration?
  • ✓ Does the counsellor give adequate time required to understand the problem? Any professional counselling session takes 45 to 1-hour time.
  • ✓ Does the counsellor perform in-depth assessment? In initial sessions, in-depth history taking and assessment required for counselling to be beneficial.
  • ✓ Are counselling sessions regularly given? In the initial period, counselling sessions need to be regular (once to twice/week) for it to be adequately effective

To find counsellor, one can use the reference of friends and family. One can utilize the google search to find out counselling services available in a city. In google, feedback, ratings are also available, so it is advisable to check the ratings or feedback given by others for reference. Please don’t suffer silently and seek help. You can check out the following mental health clinic in Kolkata for mental health services.


Unit N210A-211, 2nd Floor,
North Block, Ideal Plaza,
11/1, Sarat Bose Road
Kolkata 700020

+91 90735 55522

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Debabani Bhattacharya
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