Hope and Positivity at the time of COVID-19

Hope And Positivity at The Time of COVID-19 | Mpowerminds

Hope and Positivity at the time of COVID-19
Last year and a half has been truly challenging and it has changed our perspective and way of thinking. It brought horror like no other, threat regarding life, livelihood, mental healthand our overall functioning. As every coin has two sides, and if one side is horror the other is “HOPE”. In these trying times of COVID-19 life has been difficult, but there are still more than one reasons to be hopeful about:

  1. Enhanced Value for Life
Adversity though increased stress levels, depression, anxiety bouts, but astonishingly 61% of amongst these reported understanding value of life, finding purpose of life (Waters et al., 2021)
  1. Enhanced “Family Time”
Lockdown forcefully locked people indoor, but in the process made it possible for family members to spent time together. Family time is an essential factor that helps to create strong bonds, love, and connections within family members, and strengthens relationships. Quality time spent with family does help in coping with boredom, and coming together at the time of loss, this instils a feeling of security, inculcates family values, and much more.

Also read: The side-effects of Pandemic Anxiety and coping with them

  1. Global Togetherness
The spirit of Global Togetherness inculcates hope. The shared sense of responsibility has seen a world come together in ways that we have not seen for quite some time.

  1. Resilience and adaptability of people
Resilience is defined as the ability to bounce back from adversity and transit from the unpleasant experience back to everyday life (APA, 2020). During Covid-19, the frontline workers served like soldiers, even though they were risking their own life as well. Different NGOs, organizations worked 24X7 to provide services to the needy, sick and people who were in distress. The mass also adapted to the situation by changing their lifestyle, working from home, realizing the need of technology.
Covid appropriate behaviour became part of new normal. Human kind overall showed amazing resilience which is definitely a reason for hope.

  1. Rapid Growth towards “Digital Era”
To control the COVID-19 pandemic, physical distancing, and quarantine measures were mandated. In an effort to meet this mandate, use of technology accelerated rapidly.
From online shopping for day to day needs, working from home, attending classes from home for school and college going population, all saw a new dimension of IT.
Even the elderly who were reluctant to use technology, are now familiar with the smart phone which can provide anything with a touch of finger. Online health consultations also gained widespread popularity, which was a farfetched idea two years ago.

  1. Important lessons learnt “If we can endure this, we can endure anything”
Amidst the pain that we continue to undergo, we should find comfort in the stories of hope and solidarity, and continue to see positivity, and learn encouraging lessons that are emerging for our post-COVID world.

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Debabani Bhattacharya
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